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Booksville Idea Center

Welcome to our town where each corner in Booksville is loaded with project ideas to begin your school year with your students off to an awesome beginning.
No trolls will be found under bridges. But what you may find are tons of book ideas hidden everywhere.


How I've Grown!
This creative book project is great with the younger grades to be implemented from Pre-k all the way to Grade 3.
  • White drawing paper
  • crayons or markers
  • picture of each student
  • a three-hole puncher
  • some ribbon to tie each student's book together

Depending on their age and capability of spelling, the first page should have their name, grade level, and age.

The cover page can be done in one of two ways:

  • have each student bring in a picture of themselves
  • or split the page and have the students draw themselves and paste their pictures at the back. This last idea can be used as a guessing game where the teacher picks up and shows the class a drawing on the cover and have them try and guess who it is.

Some suggestions for the inside pages of the How I've Grown book can be:

  • what's my favorite color
  • what's my favorite toy
  • what's my favorite sport
  • what's my favorite animal

The teacher will have the question on each page written or if the student is old enough they can write it on their own. Then each child will draw their answer, or for the older grades, they can draw and write something about it, as well.

Once this project is complete, the students will place the ribbons in and out of the holes and the teacher can tie them or use this opportunity to teach them how to make a bow tie.


This project is intended to get the children interested in writing their own books. Also, by the end of Grade 3, each child will see how they've grown, how their tastes in certain sports/colors/toys/animals may have changed. It's their first step in writing.


Teachers, please feel free to email us with your own activities to post here so other teachers and parents can use to entice their children. Just send me an email to:  with Musing Our Children on the subject heading and your message in the body of your email.

Get involved in our Reading and Writing Appreciation Project
Affiliated with The Musing Our Children Reading and Writing Appreciation Week, The Muse Online Writers Conference, Apollo's Junior Muses-an eZine dedicated in publishing stories from children up to the age of seventeen, Stories for Children Magazine  -a free
monthly online magazine for kids ages 3-12.
This site is maintained and owned by Lea Schizas© 2007