The Musing Book Reviews for Kids.
Teachers, here's an opportunity to begin your school year with a project
where students will be encouraged to read and write, with no set deadlines, no particular books in mind...just mention to
them they have their very own club to publish their writing.
The Musing Book Reviews welcomes reviews by students/children up to the ages of seventeen to submit reviews
of books they've read.
What the Musing Reviews by Kids Club offers to a student:
- offers them a site to publish their thoughts on books they've read
- encourages them to read
- teachers can use the Musing Reviews by Kids Club as a classroom project to read the same book then everyone
can send in their reviews on that same book
- encourages not only reading but writing, as well.
- a downloadable Musing Reviews by Kids Club membership card to print and give to each child in your classroom
Our guidelines are quite simple and we'd love to have your students/classroom participating all year round.
This will not only encourage them to read, but to write and read their published reviews online on a safe website.
We need you to help them send me the following:
- their first name
- their age and grade level
- city and country
- the title and author of the book read
- their review within the body of the email - couldn't have a review site without reviews. :)
- email it to: with MUSE KIDS REVIEWS on the subject heading.
If you will be conducting a group project with your students to read the same book, then send us your name
and school's name along with the above, and we'll set up a webpage just for your classroom to showcase to one and all.
Looking forward to your classroom's reviews.